Now that we have a Mainline Prohub dyno, we rent dyno time more so than ever before. We have previously had a Dynojet, a Mustang, and Dynapack dyno's, but nothing compares to the Prohub. The ability to dyno high horsepower cars (3,000+ hp) with out having to worry about the dangers of breaking straps, or spending all of your time trying to get the car to quit doing a burn out has really changed everything in terms of being able to see what the calibration changes you are making are actually doing vs. getting false data from wheel spin. Customers are coming to us from several hours and states away as they are now able to spend a day on the dyno, and accomplish more than they would be able to in 3-4 trips to the racetrack saving not only a ton of time, but a ton of MONEY! We have not had a dyno rental yet where the customer did not think it was some of the best money they have ever spent on their racing program. Many have been repeat customers either with the same car, a different car, or a friends car.
Our dyno is obviously capable of showing you horsepower and torque in a traditional “sweep” style test, but it also has the ability to do steady state testing (hold vehicle at any RPM with any throttle input) along with monitoring many additional data channels. We add to our tooling pretty frequently but we are currently able to monitor engine rpm 3 different ways, obd2 port channels, (available channels vary by car manufacture) multiple air fuel ratio monitors, boost pressure, an additional pressure channel (air), fuel pressure, and knock monitoring. On top of the input channels, the math channels built with in the software can be invaluable. Torque Converter slip %, and slip RPM have proven to be extremely helpful time and time again.
Dyno “rental” is typically where you are tuning your vehicle yourself, bringing your own tuner, or having tuning done remotely (yes, we have wifi!). sometimes people will rent our dyno not for tuning purposes, but for trouble shooting. it is a substantially easier to diagnose problems in a safe/stationary condition. Be sure to check out the DYNO RENTAL CHECKLIST down below to make sure you have as smooth and efficient of a dyno rental as possible! even if you are not having us tune your vehicle it may be worth while to check out the DYNO TUNING CHECKLIST also!